Starting in October, everyone (5 years and older) can get an updated Influenza (flu) Vaccine. You may get the Flu and COVID-19 vaccine at the same time (in an event you are also eligible for your covid booster). Invitations will be sent by email or text message to everyone who has received a COVID-19 immunization in B.C. The invite will have a direct link to book your COVID-19 and/or flu appointment online.
(Note: Pharmacies aren't directly booking the appointments. All appointments are to be made with the-
Get Vaccinated system of BC. Further, you shall be able to select Tablet Pharmacy (and your preferred location) at the time of your booking).
The best way to book is to wait for your invitation. If you have received a COVID-19 vaccine in B.C., you’re already registered in the Get Vaccinated system, no action is required.
Invitations will roll out, beginning with priority populations, including:
Seniors (65+)
Residents in long-term care facilities
Indigenous peoples
Pregnant people
Health-care workers
People with chronic health conditions (e.g., cancer, hepatitis C, diabetes)
These vaccines are free and available at pharmacies, health authority clinics and some primary care providers’ offices. If you need help scheduling your vaccines, call the Service BC call center (1-833-838-2323).
If you haven’t received a COVID-19 vaccine in B.C.
Register in the Get Vaccinated system to receive your invitation to book an appointment. Follow the instructions below.
1. Register with the Get Vaccinated system
You can register yourself or someone else, like a parent, grandparent or child. We will never ask you for your Social Insurance Number, driver's licence number or banking and credit card details. Below is the link to
2. Book my vaccine appointment
After you register, you will be sent a booking invitation link. Use the link to book your vaccine appointment online or by phone.